Friday, April 16, 2010

Square Foot Gardening

Since our space is very limited, and our drainage is very poor, and we really really wanted to have a garden this year, we decided to go with a method called Square Foot Gardening. The premise is basically 1. plant in a raised bed (raised a little higher for us b/c of the drainage issues), 2. use a special mix of organic ingredients to 'make' your own nutrient rich, well draining, moisture retaining soil, 3. plant one vegetable/fruit/flower in every square foot. We have two beds that are each 4' x 8', so we could possibly plant 32 different things in each box! We're not, but we could. As of right now we have one box filled, marked out, and planted with the frost hardy seeds (peas, lettuce, radishes, carrots, and onions). I'm also going to get the spinach in there sometime this weekend. I'll update as we plant more and things start (hopefully) growing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy growing and best of harvest to you xoxoxoxo LOOKS GREAT!!! SoJo