Monday, September 21, 2009

Cam at Three

Cameron had his three year old check up today! It's amazing how much things change in a year. He's talking a mile a minute (can't always understand him, but we're working on it), using the potty all by himself, pumping on the swing (as high as his sister), and counting to 30!

He is 31 lbs and 36.5 in. - keeping up with his 25% trend for his height. The Dr. thinks he'll be average (5'10" or so) height as an adult, though, so we needn't worry about our little man.

Preschool started for Cameron last week and he loves it - he walked right in there like an old pro. On his second day it was his bday so he got to bring in cupcakes. I came at the end of the day to take photos and he had a little melt down when he thought I was leaving him - whew, still needs his mama.

He loves his friends and had an awesome time at his birthday party. When I asked him what the best part was he said that all of his friends were there. Awww. He must get it from his sister, who is also very social and always includes her brother. They are so cute together. Now don't get me wrong, they still have their moments and spats, but for the most part they are very supportive and loving toward each other. It melts my heart :)

Cameron's favorite thing to do is be on the move. He loves jumping, running, somersaults, throwing - anything active - and he's pretty good at it, too. I'm thinking of enrolling him in gymnastics for the winter to keep him busy.

Anyway, it's been a great year with my now three year old. It's been hard adjusting to the fact that he's no longer a baby. But, when I look at how much he can do and how far he's come this past year, I'm so proud of him. I'm a little sad to say goodbye to those baby years, but I'm also really excited to start a new chapter with my big kid! He's just so full of personality and charm that I think his preschool years are going to be a lot of fun for all of us :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm missing your updates :( xooxoxox