Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ok, so I've been slacking

I can't believe I haven't written in three months! We have been so busy this fall and the time has just flown by. Plus Facebook takes up any spare computer time I do have - I love seeing everyone else's photos!

Anyway, here's what's new (and what's been new in the past few months)...

Mackenzie: Loves first grade and is turning out to be quite a reader. She tries to read anything and everything (including my emails!). Her two dance classes are going well - she really loves her tap class. The Christmas recital should be pretty fun since she'll be dancing to "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" and wearing a costume to match! Speaking of costumes, she and Cameron both went as clowns for Halloween this year - Mackenzie's idea. We were able to recycle an old dance costume and she looked super cute. She also recently went on a field trip to a farm, which I got to chaperon (but thankfully there wasn't enough room on the bus so a few other moms and I got to follow in a car - hooray!!!). Mackenzie was the resident expert after having attended farm camp this summer, and she enjoyed sharing her knowledge.

We've been going to physical therapy 2x a week due to a knee problem Mackenzie's been having. Keep your fingers crossed that the PT will work and she'll show enough improvement at her 6 week check up to satisfy her orthopedic surgeon.

Oh, and Mackenzie recently had her stage debut! She wrote and rapped a duet with her friend in front of the entire school! I was so proud of her :)

Cameron: Now goes to preschool and speech class with no tears! He comes out every time saying, "Mommy, I was brave today!" I'm very proud of him - it was pretty tough for him to separate from Mommy for the first time. It was hard for me too, but let me tell you I am enjoying these few free hours every week! Although of course I've been filling them up with volunteering in Mackenzie's class...

Cam's speech is coming along slowly. We're working on a few letter sounds, using the word 'I' rather than 'me', and adding those little filler words into his sentences. He has learned his phone number and how to spell his first and last names, so I'm not really concerned - with work his speech will come. He's one smart little cookie.

I have been sick for the past THREE weeks. According to the doctor, who I am now basically on a first name basis with, I probably have seasonal allergies and asthma. I have been tested for the allergies and will find that out soon. As for the asthma, she won't test me til I'm better, so who knows when that'll be.

Speaking of being sick, both of the kids have had the H1N1 vaccine. Jason was a trooper and stood in line with them for over an hour (promising milk shakes when it was over). The both need a second round, but I'm glad that round one is done and over with and that they'll be protected from this strain of the flu.

I happened to land on a page in August in my planner and I was amazed at all the free space! These days I'm lucky to have enough room to pencil in a phone number. While I love the lazy days of summer, fall is really so fun. Probably part of the reason I became a teacher - I love that back to school feeling and the full days/nights of the fall. Hopefully it doesn't get the best of me again, though, and I manage to make some updates on here more often than every three months :)

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