Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spring time

Not much new over here. We have a our 'replacement' bounce house up and running (the one from Cam's bday got returned b/c of faulty seams) - the new one is huge and is going to be an enormous energy drainer this summer! Between that, the swing set, and the pool - once we get it up - I foresee a lot of long days spent in our backyard with all of Mackenzie's friends this summer. I can't wait!

Also, the school year is winding down and plans are already underway for next year. I think I'm going to enroll Cam in a half day three year old preschool at Mackenzie's school - the four year old one was wonderful so I'm thinking the three year old school will be the same. He'll have his group speech class (at another school, of course), but it's only an hour once a week. I'm guessing he'll want more to do than just hang out with Mom all day (although I am pretty fun to hang with...).
Speaking of speech, he's now been diagnosed with Speech Apraxia (not oral apraxia or other motor skill problems, though, in case you follow the link). Sounds intimidating, but it's something that can for sure be treated with therapy. And once you know what the problem is, it's so much easier to treat it. He's actually talking a mile a minute (I think even more than a lot of other kids his age), but it's really hard to understand him - sometimes even for me and I'm with him all day. So during the summer we'll have a private speech therapist work with him, and then resume our regular therapy once the school year starts. Wish us luck!

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